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Yoga as a Natural and Drug-free Way to Keep Kids Calm

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This is the start of a 5 part series of videos recorded while representing momsTEAM at the Wanderlust Festival in Stratton, Vermont. My hope is to inspire you to experience yoga as a family. Our world is moving so fast these days. Parents are constantly running their children from game to game, friends' houses, extracurricular activities, and appointments. When we are moving so fast we aren't always aware of what is happening within our bodies. Taking time daily to slow down and go inward has many positive attributes for the mind, body and Spirit. Knowing what benefits yoga is bringing to the hundreds of thousands of adults worldwide, it only makes sense that we would want to share this gift with our children.

In my chiropractic practice I have witnessed far too many children who are living life on prescription drugs with the purpose of providing an artificial source of an outside-in attempt to create a certain outcome. In most scenarios it is to calm what is percieved to be an overactive and over-excited nervous system. I believe that children of all ages need an outlet to move their bodies, still their minds, connect to their spirits and remove themselves from the overstimulation of the world today.  Many parents are waking up to the notion that it doesn't seem right to be drugging children throughout their entire lives and are discovering that yoga is a profound and natural way to instill calmness. 

The father in the following video shares from his heart how yoga has influenced his three-year-old son to have increased body awareness, and a calmer spirit. Multiply one calmer child with a greater sense of him or herself and imagine the effects that would be felt not only on an individual level, but throughout our communities, states, countries and the entire world.


If you are looking for an easy way to introduce yoga into your child’s life, the gentleman in the video has created a website called MyYogaOnline.com offering both adult and children’s classes online. Although I'm sure there are classes within your community, this is a great way to have good, healthy family time right in the comfort of your home.

Speaking of good healthy family time, the Wanderlust Festival has one more yoga-filled weekend planned in Whistler, Canada from August 23-26th.

Stay tuned for Part 2: What The Wanderlust Kids Say.