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Girls May Be No Worse Off After Sports Concussions Than Boys, Study Finds

Girls don't appear to be worse off after sports-related concussion than boys, either in terms of concussion symptoms or on neurocognitive tests measuring reaction time and visual memory, a new study finds.

Recovering from Concussion: Teachers Play Important Role

Students with a concussion may have difficulty retaining new information and retrieving information when needed. To help a student remember better, here's a list of "Top 10" cognitive strategies for parents to give to teachers.

Post-Concussion Strategies for the Classroom

A concussion often affects a student-athlete's thinking, ability to remember (especially new information), and organization, so that academic accommodations may be needed. Here are some post-concussion strategies for the classroom to help maximize the ability to focus, stay organized, and remember important information during the recovery process.

Children’s brain development is linked to physical fitness

Researchers have found an association between physical fitness and the brain in 9- and 10-year-old children: Those who are more fit tend to have a bigger hippocampus and perform better on a test of memory than their less-fit peers.
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