What is the YouthSportsParentsSocial Community?
What is the YouthSportsParents Social Community? When MomsTeam first became a household word, in early 2000, we were very limited with most of our content as static written article information. We had healthy, yet limited forums, but huge demand from many, many wonderful people- often luminaries in their fields - who wanted to participate as part of our Team.
Now that the second generation of the Internet, called Web 2.0 or the social web, has arrived, now that the tools are available to everyone to share and network on line in the same way parents have shared and networked for years over a cup of coffee in a family kitchen, over the backyard fence, or sitting in the stands of a youth soccer game.
We have invested in rebuilding YouthSportsParents to enable all who want to join the team to do so. In keeping with our mission of making youth sports more inclusive, we have listened to you. YouthSportsParents was created to provide sports parents with a positive and interesting environment where they can connect with other parents, share stories, seek advice, get advice, vent, feel that they are in good company, and more. It is our belief that the more voices that are heard coming from one place -YouthSportsParents- the louder we raise our collective voioces, the better are our chances of changing the very culture of youth sports to make it, once again, as much about having fun, building self-esteem, learning life lessons, and beginning a lifetime of exercise than it is about winning, as much about keeping our children safe and protected from harm, physical, emotional and sexual, as it is about preparing our children for the challenges they will face as adult in our increasingly winner-take-all society.
As Mother Tersea said: “In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.” If enough of us do the small things that change the youth sports culture, we will do great things. Our audience has been telling us that they want to join the conversation and have a voice in how youth sports are organized and run, from the local level on up to the national level. They have offered wonderful articles, studies and videos. We hope you will join us as part of the YouthSportsParents team, our family, our community. We hope you will share your thoughts in whatever way that works for for you: by writing a free blog , by using our social networking tools to share YouthSportsParents.com and our mission with all sports parents, by participating in our forums and, soon, our chats, and by downloading our podcasts, Thank you for being a part of the MomsTeam community, and we look forward to chatting over the virtual back-yard fence, in the virtual stands and on the virtual sidelines of this remarkable place!
Brooke de Lench
Founder/Publisher YouthSportsParents
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