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Concussion Checklist for Parents

MomsTeam Founder and long-time concussion safety advocate, Brooke de Lench, provides a concussion safety checklist for parents to know their child's sports program is taking concussions seriously.

It's All About The Numbers

Play the Percentages

The College Recruiting process is a game of percentages. There are 390,000 plus male high school soccer players. There are 350,000 plus female high school soccer players. Approximately 6% of all high school soccer players play college soccer and even a smaller number receive a full scholarship. The average male soccer scholarship across all three divisions is 39%. The average female soccer scholarship is 43% across all three divisions.

Play the percentages in looking for a college athletic scholarship, says Tim Twellman.

Pop Warner Concussion Scandal: Lessons Learned

The Pop Warner concussion scandal - one that, sadly, occurred right in my backyard here in Massachusetts - has put youth football under the microscope once again.

The Pop Warner concussion scandal has put youth football under the microscope once again. But is what happened in that single game reason enough to pull a kid out of football, or never sign him (or her) up in the first place? I don't think so.

Stiffening Penalties For Violent Hits By Minnesota Hockey League Important Step In Improving Player Safety


This past weekend, the MInnesota State High School League took an unprecedented step of changing the rules mid-season, by stiffening the penalties on three of the most violent and dangerous infractions in hockey: checking from behind, boarding and contact to the head will now result in an automatic five-minute "major" against the offending player resulting in ejection and forcing his team to play short-handed for five minutes, regardless of how many times it is scored upon during the ensuing power play. 

By stiffening the rules against dangerous play in ice hockey and giving referees less discretion in calling penalties, the Minnesota State High School League has taken an important first step to reduce the number of catastrophic injuries in the sport.

Concussions in School: Prevention and Preparation Are Key

The potential for a concussion at school is greatest during activities where collisions can occur, such as during physical education (PE) class, playground time, or school-based sports. Proper recognition and response to concussion symptoms in the school environment can prevent further injury and can help with recovery.

Youth Basketball Survey: Keeping Kids in The Game & Having Fun Are Keys To Better Experience

Finding ways to keep kids playing and making programs more fun are seen by coaches, administrators and volunteers as the best ways to improve the youth basketball experience in a survey conducted by youth basketball expert and reform advocate, Bob Bigelow.

Talking To A Coach: Taking the Stress Out

If the world were a perfect place, talking to a youth sports coach would be as natural and stress free as talking to your child's teacher. Unfortunately, there is not much that worries and confuses some parents more. Here's advice on how to take the stress out of the experience.

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