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Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

I was visiting recently with a friend who was the assistant coach on a local high school team the past several years. The head coach had been under great pressure from the parents of the players for many years, but it had intensified the past year.

He told me that no matter the quality of the coach, nobody should go through what the head coach had to endure with the result that, after 9 years, the head coach was taking a leave of abscense for a year. I agreed with him, but, as I thought more, I realized that much of the blame really fell on the coach. He is not a good communicator and manager of people. He is passionate about the sport, studies the game like no other coach, but yet he failed to sell his vision and program to the parents and players.

Generation Why: Communicating with Millennials Poses Challenge For Youth Coaches

To be a good youth sports coach these days requires an understanding of what Generation Y, the Millenials, are all about, including expecting instant gratification.

Tweens and Teens: Top Three Parenting Mistakes

Parents want to have close relationships with their children, but many wonder if that's even possible as their child enters adolescence. Suddenly, your son is more interested in peers than spending time with the family, your daughter may be showing more rebellious behavior, and now, instead of being the one they turn to for advice, you don't know a thing! While scary for parents, says parenting expert, Amy McCready, the normal individualization process during the tween and teen years doesn't have to involve power struggles and hard feelings if parents avoid three common parenting mistakes.

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