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Spring Youth Football: Even A Tornado Won't Stop It

A Dallas mom enters the strange new world in which youth football is played, not just in the fall, but in the spring, an alternate universe in  which even a tornado in the area isn't enough to cancel practice and April 30th is the new New Year's Eve.

Edward Feldman (Chiropractor): Feldenkrais Method Helped Rock Climber Recover From Serious Leg Fractures

In recognition of April as National Youth Sports Safety Month, MomsTeam has asked 30 experts to write a blog answering two questions: first, how or why did they get into their field, and second, how have they made a difference in the life of a youth athlete in the past year.

Today, we hear from Edward Feldman, a chiropractor and certified CranioSacral therapist and Feldenkrais teacher from Kingston, New Jersey.

By Edward H. Feldman, DC, RCST

A Doctor of Chiropractic explains how the use of the Feldenkrais Method allowed an athlete to walk without a cane and with less pain after he fractured both his tibia and fibia while rock climbing.

Head Impact Exposure in Youth Football Surprisingly High

Youth football players get hit on the helmet almost as hard as older players but not nearly as often, says researchers at Virginia Tech.

Pitch Velocity: Just One of Many Injury Risk Factors

While a recent study suggests that the harder a youth baseball pitcher throws, the greater may be the risk of elbow injury,  particularly to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), and that pitching velocity should be factored into pitch counts in order to protect against injuries, pitch velocity is just one of many factors that increase injury risk.

Twelve Ways To Prevent Arm Injuries in Baseball

The latest expert advice on ways to minimize the risk that your young pitcher will suffer an injury to their elbow or shoulder.

Georgia Heat Acclimatization Guidelines

In 2012 Georgia became the sixth state to adopt heat-acclimatization guidelines to reduce the risk of exertional heat stroke among high school athletes.  In adopting  key recommendations from a 2009 statement from the National Athletic Trainers Association, the Georgia High School Association joins Connecticut, New Jersey, Texas and North Carolina.  Since then 10 other states have adopted the full set of heat recommendations.

Pitch Velocity Linked To Elbow Injury Risk, Study Says

The harder a youth baseball pitcher throws, the greater may be the risk of elbow injury, says a new study, which suggests adjusting current injury prevention guidelines focusing on pitch counts to include pitch velocity as a factor.

Baseball Diamond: An Overlooked Safety Hazard?

One of the biggest hazards in baseball, yet often the most overlooked, is the diamond itself.  Sprinkler heads and gopher holes in the outfield can can cause players to slip, leading to sprained ankles, twisted knees or torn knee ligaments, while balls hitting pebbles on the infield can bounce up and hit a player in the throat, face, eyes, or forehead.

Baseball and Softball Safety: Avoiding Heat- and Sun-Related Injuries

Hot and/or humid conditions pose significant risk for heat-related illness in children and adolescents playing baseball and softball, warns the American Academy of Pediatrics.
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